Fate Grand OrderDonna Sugata de mo Shite kureru Ai no Megami Kama-chan | Loving Goddess Kama-chan's Love No Matter What Form She's In 22
Original WorkKinjo Yuuwaku Boku ga Tonari no Okaa-san to Konna Koto ni Nacchau Hanashi| Neighborhood Seduction This Is What Happened With The Mother Next Door 51
Original WorkKora! Anta Hahaoya o Kudoite Nani Shiyoutte Iu no!|Hey! What Are You Doing Making a Pass at Your Mother! 303
Fate Grand OrderMinamoto no Raikou ni Keisotsu ni Reiju o Tsukatte mita Kekka | What Happened After I Thoughtlessly Used a Command Seal on Raikou 29
Azur LaneWatashi o Honki ni Saseta no wa Dare na no Kashira? | What was it that made me take you so seriously? 18
dungeon ni deai o motomeru no wa machigatteiru darou kaWhat Should I Do When the Dungeon is Under Maintenance? v2.0 21