Dungeon ni Deai o Motomeru no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka, also known as DanMachi for short, is a Japanese light novel series written by Fujino Ōmori and illustrated by Suzuhito Yasuda. The series follows the story of Bell Cranel, a solo adventurer who aims to become the strongest in the world, and his relationship with the goddess Hestia.
The story takes place in a fantasy world where adventurers explore dungeons in search of treasure and to become stronger. Bell Cranel is a young man who dreams of becoming the greatest adventurer in the world. He starts his journey as a weak and inexperienced adventurer, but with the help of Hestia, the goddess of the hearth, he begins to gain strength and experience.
Hestia is a goddess who is famous for her lack of followers and her small, rundown temple. She takes Bell under her wing and helps him to become a stronger and more experienced adventurer. As Bell's strength grows, so does Hestia's attachment to him.
As Bell explores the dungeon, he meets various other adventurers, each with their own unique abilities and personalities. Some become his allies, while others become his enemies. Along the way, Bell also encounters a variety of monsters and other dangers, such as traps and puzzles, that he must overcome in order to progress.
The series also explores the concept of "familia", which is a group of adventurers who are bound together by a common goal or by a strong leader. Bell is a member of the Hestia Familia, which is led by Hestia herself. As Bell's strength and reputation grow, the Hestia Familia also grows in power and prestige.
One of the main themes of the series is the concept of growth and self-improvement. Bell starts off as a weak and inexperienced adventurer, but through his experiences and with the help of Hestia and his friends, he becomes stronger and more skilled. The series also explores the themes of friendship, loyalty, and the bonds that are formed between people who share a common goal.
The art in the series is by Suzuhito Yasuda, who is well known for his unique character designs and intricate backgrounds. The characters are all distinct and memorable, and the settings are rich and detailed. The series also features great action scenes and tense battles that are well illustrated.
Overall, DanMachi is a great fantasy series with a unique and compelling story, interesting characters, and great art. The series explores themes of growth and self-improvement, friendship and loyalty, and the bonds that are formed between people who share a common goal. It is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure stories.
It also has an anime adaptation which has been well received by the audience, as well as its own manga adaptation. The series has also spawned several spin-off light novels, as well as video games, and merchandise. DanMachi has built a dedicated fanbase and is considered one of the most popular fantasy series in recent years. With its unique story, interesting characters and great art, it is a must-read for fans of fantasy and adventure stories.