To Love Ru is a widely popular hentai comic series originally created in Japan. The series has been inspired by the original manga series of the same name. Created by Saki Hasemi and Kentaro Yabuki, the manga series focuses on the love troubles that ensue between the various leading characters, and the title itself refers to this as well. The popularity of the original manga series has led to its adaptation into anime, a drama CD and video games. Like the original manga series, the hentai series has also captured the minds of millions of readers in Japan, and such ongoing popularity has led numerous artists interpret the original works into striking pornographic renditions.
To Love Ru storyline
The main storyline of To Love Ru involves the trials of Rito Yūki, the central character who is actually a high school student. He is in love with a girl named Haruna Sairenji but finds it difficult to confess his love to her. One day, he comes across a nude girl by the name of Lala who has come from a distant plant called Deviluke. Lala is supposed to be the queen in her home planet. Her father looks forward to get her married to one of the numerous suitors on her home planet, but she is only keen to marry Rito and stay on Earth. When commander Zastin is sent with the responsibility to bring back Lala to her home planet, he reports to her father that Rito has all the qualities to be Lala’s husband. Rito however had the opinion that unless one truly loves another person, contemplating marriage with that person is impossible. Listening to this, Lala truly falls in love with Rito and shows keenness on marrying him. Lala’s father then decides that Rito is allowed to marry Lala only if he can protect her from her fiancés, failing to do which would lead her father to kill Rito and demolish planet Earth.
Themes explored in To Love Ru series
In the hentai series, the readers can find the numerous characters involved in sexual activities with each other in various positions. However, what is so interesting about the sexual imagery depicted in the To Love Ru hentai series is that while the storyline itself is based on interplanetary relationships, the characters are depicted in an innocent, cute style. This is something that numerous readers find extremely appealing; a major reason why the To Love Ru hentai series has captivated large numbers of audiences. The sexual fantasies that are often explored in the To Love Ru hentai comics include double penetration, footjob, bukkake, anal sex, rape fantasy, schoolgirl, blowjob, fingering, gender bender, harem, oppai, big boobs, stockings, pettanko, cunnilingus, nakadashi, licking, water sports and breast sucking.
If you are looking for high quality To Love Ru hentai material, then a good place to get them would be at Simple Hentai. At Simple Hentai, we have a large collection of To Love Ru hentai comics that present different forms of perverted sexual imagery in the most dramatic manner, which will certainly fulfill your deepest sexual urges.