Full Metal Alchemist is a highly popular Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiromu Arakawa, a world famous manga artist who hailed from Tokachi, Hokkaido in Japan. The award-winning manga and hentai series has captivated countless readers since it first hit the stands, and is widely regarded as one of the best hentai comics ever created.
Full Metal Alchemist storyline
The main story of the Full Metal Alchemist hentai series is set in the fictional cosmos wherein the ancient art of alchemy is developed in its most complex and advanced form. The protagonists of the hentai series are two brothers, Alphonse Elric and Edward Elric, both of whom are highly skilled alchemists in their own right, end up losing their physical bodies as they try to use the forbidden craft of alchemical human transmutation for bringing their dead mother back from the dead.
To mend the situation, Alphonse and Edward now have to endeavor to find out the great and fabled Philosopher's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone is a legendary object that is believed to carry the power that can help them to get their own bodies back. As they continue seeking the Philosopher's Stone, the brothers soon realize that the fabled stone is being looked for by other agents as well, and in their quest they end up combating against forces that were far greater than their wildest comprehensions.
Full Metal Alchemist popularity
Full Metal Alchemist has achieved widespread mainstream success since its original release. Comprising of 27 volumes, the number of releases of this hentai series that saw the light of day were greater than the 55 million mark. The widespread popularity of the series led to the creation of an animated series consisting of 51 episodes. Like the hentai series, the animated series also enjoyed critical success with the masses.
Full Metal Alchemist sexual themes
Being one of the most well known examples of high quality hentai comics, Full Metal Alchemist is no short of shocking sexual imagery either. The readers of Full Metal Alchemist can obtain great entertainment from the detailed sexual images depicted in these comics. The various sexual activities and themes explored in the Full Metal Alchemist hentai series include anal sex, cheating, group sex, double penetration, tomboy, netorare, licking, toys, milf, bondage, rape, big boobs, impregnation, bukkake, blowjob, bikini, fingering, incest, ahegao, mind break, shota, blackmail, chikan, slave, gangbang, handjob, lactation, tsundere, torture, swimsuit, masturbation, yaoi, enema, x-ray, scat, exhibitionism, gender bender, prostitution, trap, water sports, loli, breast sucking, dirty old man, breast sucking, happy sex, huge penis, domination, licking, mother, pet girl, pubic hair, gokkun, deepthroat, spitroast, pettanko and military uniform.
Download Full Metal Alchemist hentai series for free
If you are already an avid fan of the Full Metal Alchemist hentai series, then you would be pleased to know that you can now avail these exciting comics from our site at Simply-hentai.com. You can read these comics at our site or download them for free for your own use.