Idolmaster[Koppun (Hone)] Mifune-san no Jidori | Mifune-san's Masturcam (THE IDOLM@STER CINDERELLA GIRLS) [English] [Spicaworks] [Digital] 22
Fate Grand OrderNetorase nanoni Maji ni Nacchau Miyamoto Musashi | Miyamoto Musashi Will Get Serious Even Though She's Being Stolen Away 23
Azur Lane(COMIC1☆13) [Imitation Moon (Narumi Yuu)] London-san to Ichinichi Date Sono Yokushuu | One day date with London-san: The week after (Azur Lane) [English] [LunaticSeibah] 23
Idolmaster[Haru Koubou (Harukoubou Norimaki)] Shiny Ero Side B (THE iDOLM@STER: Shiny Colors) [Digital][Chinese]【枫原万叶汉化】 71