Love Live is a multimedia franchise that originated in Japan and has since gained popularity worldwide. The franchise includes a music group called "μ's" (pronounced "muse"), which is made up of fictional characters who are voiced by real-life voice actresses. The franchise also includes anime, manga, video games, and live concerts.
The story of Love Live revolves around a group of high school girls who are trying to save their school from being shut down by increasing its popularity. To do this, they form a school idol group called "μ's" and work to become famous enough to attract new students to their school. The story focuses on the struggles and challenges that the girls face as they try to make their dream a reality.
The main characters of the series are Honoka Kosaka, Umi Sonoda, and Kotori Minami, who are the original members of μ's. As the story progresses, more characters are introduced and become part of the group. The characters are all unique and have their own personalities and backstories, making them relatable and easy to connect with for viewers.
The music of Love Live is one of the franchise's major selling points. The songs are upbeat, catchy and have positive lyrics that inspire listeners to chase their dreams. The songs are performed by the voice actresses who voice the characters in the anime. The music is also available for purchase on various platforms such as iTunes, Spotify, and Amazon Music.
The anime adaptation of Love Live began airing in 2013 and has since released two seasons, with a third season announced. The anime follows the story of the girls as they work to become successful school idols and also includes original storylines that expand on the characters and their relationships. The anime has been well-received by audiences and has a dedicated fanbase.
The Love Live franchise also includes several video games, the most popular of which is "Love Live! School Idol Festival." The game is a rhythm game that allows players to collect and train the characters from the series, and play through their songs. The game has been released on various platforms such as iOS, Android, and PS Vita.
The Love Live franchise also includes a live concert tour called "Love Live! Sunshine!! Aqours World LoveLive! in LA Beyond the Pacific" which took place on 2017, where the voice actresses of the characters performed on stage in front of a live audience. The concert tour was a huge success and attracted fans from all over the world.
In conclusion, Love Live is a franchise that offers a wide range of entertainment options for fans. The music is upbeat, the characters are relatable and well-developed, the anime is enjoyable to watch, and the video games offer a unique and engaging gameplay experience. Love Live has a dedicated fanbase and continues to gain popularity worldwide.