star twinkle precureTwinkle Imagination nante Nakatta 15 years later | There is No Twinkle Imagination 15 years later 28
dungeon ni deai o motomeru no wa machigatteiru darou kaDungeon de Aiz Wallenstein o Osou no wa Machigatteiru Darou ka | Is it wrong to attack Ais Wallenstein in the dungeon? 22
TouhouSakuya-san to Goblin no Saimin Kozukuri Koubi | Sakuya-san Having Hypno Baby-Making Sex With a Goblin 14
Granblue Fantasy[Hisagoya (Momio)] Sao-yaku Gran-kun wa Harem End no Yume o Miru ka? (Granblue Fantasy) [Digital] 23