Gotoubun no Hanayome, also known as The Quintessential Quintuplets, is a romantic comedy manga series written and illustrated by Negi Haruba. The story follows Futaro Uesugi, a highly intelligent and hardworking high school student who is struggling to pass his college entrance exams. In an effort to improve his grades, he takes on a part-time job as a tutor for a group of quintuplets, who are all in the same class as him but have vastly different personalities and study habits. The quintuplets are made up of the eldest sister Nino Nakano, who is a genius at math but hates all her time with her love for singing; the second eldest sister Miku Nakano, who is very good at languages but is always sleepy; the third eldest sister Yotsuba Nakano, who is very talented in art but has poor grades; the fourth eldest sister Itsuki Nakano, who is a very good athlete but bad in academics; and finally, the youngest sister Ichika Nakano, who is very good in music but is not good in anything else.
Futaro's task is not easy, as the quintuplets are all very different and have their own unique quirks and problems. However, he is determined to help them succeed, and as he works with them, he starts to develop feelings for each of them. This leads to a love polygon, as the quintuplets also begin to develop feelings for Futaro. The story explores the theme of love and the struggles that come with it, as well as the importance of hard work and determination in achieving one's goals.
The manga has been well-received by readers and has been adapted into an anime series. The anime adaptation premiered in January 2019 and was produced by the animation studio Tezuka Productions. The anime adaptation follows the story of the manga closely, but also includes some original content. The anime was well-received by viewers and a second season was announced, airing in January 2020.
Gotoubun no Hanayome has been praised for its well-written characters, comedic moments and its ability to blend romance and comedy perfectly. The quintuplets are all distinct, relatable and likable characters, and their growth throughout the story is well-done. The art style is clean and the animation is smooth. The pacing is also well-done, as the anime is able to balance the comedic moments with the more serious and dramatic moments.
In terms of the music, Gotoubun no Hanayome features an opening and ending theme for each quintuplet sister. The opening theme for the first season is "Gotoubun no Kimochi" sung by the quintuplets' voice actors, while the ending theme for the first season is "Kimi ni Furete" sung by Asaka. The opening theme for the second season is "Kimi dake wo Omou" sung by the quintuplets' voice actors, while the ending theme for the second season is "Kokoro ni Tsubomi" sung by Asaka.
In conclusion, Gotoubun no Hanayome is a heartwarming romantic comedy manga series with relatable and likable characters, which has been adapted into an anime series. It tells the story of a hardworking high school student who becomes a tutor for a group of quintuplets and develops feelings for each of them. The anime adaptation has been well-received by viewers and the story is able to balance the comedic moments with the more serious and dramatic moments. The art style is clean, the animation is smooth and the pacing is well-done. The music is also well-done and features an opening and ending theme for each quintuplet sister.