Date A Live is a Japanese light novel series written by Kōshi Tachibana and illustrated by Tsunako. The story follows Shido Itsuka, a high school student who discovers that he has the ability to seal the powers of spirits, creatures who are responsible for natural disasters. Shido is tasked with "dating" these spirits in order to seal their powers and prevent further destruction.
The series is set in a world where spirits, mysterious beings with immense powers, have suddenly appeared and begun causing devastating disasters. These spirits are immune to traditional methods of combat and can only be sealed by a special ritual known as "Spiritual Closing." Enter Shido Itsuka, a high school student who discovers that he has the ability to seal the powers of these spirits by getting them to fall in love with him.
Shido is initially reluctant to take on this task, but he is soon convinced by his younger sister, Kotori, who reveals that she is the commander of an organization called Ratatoskr, which is dedicated to sealing the powers of spirits. Shido is then thrown into a series of adventures as he attempts to "date" various spirits, each with their own unique personalities and abilities, in order to seal their powers and prevent further destruction.
The spirits that Shido encounters include Tohka Yatogami, a powerful spirit who initially hates Shido's school and class. She is initially cold and distant, but as Shido gets to know her better, she begins to open up and show her softer side. Another spirit is Origami Tobiichi, a former class mate who becomes a powerful spirit hunter. She initially hates Shido's love and affection, but eventually warms up to him. Another spirit is Kurumi Tokisaki, a sadistic and dangerous spirit who initially tries to kill Shido. She is also a former class mate, but she is not a human, but a spirit who can manipulate time.
The series also features a wide range of supporting characters, including Shido's classmates, who are each affected by the spirits in their own way, as well as members of Ratatoskr, who assist Shido in his mission. The series is known for its mix of action, comedy, and romance, as well as its unique premise and compelling characters.
The story is also filled with a lot of humor, both in the form of Shido's antics as he tries to date the spirits and in the form of the spirits' own quirks and personalities. The series also features a lot of action, as the spirits are powerful and dangerous creatures that must be dealt with in order to prevent further destruction.
Overall, Date A Live is a unique and entertaining series that offers a mix of action, comedy, and romance, as well as a compelling premise and a wide range of interesting characters. Whether you're a fan of fantasy and sci-fi, or just looking for an exciting and engaging story, Date A Live is sure to please.
It's an anime and manga series that has gained a lot of popularity among the fans of the genre, because of its unique and creative concept, it's relatable characters and the mix of humor, action and romance. The story is about a young boy Shido Itsuka, who has the ability to seal the powers of spirits, creatures who are responsible for natural disasters, by dating them. The series is filled with a lot of action, comedy and romance, and it is well-known for its unique premise and compelling characters. The series is a must-watch for all the anime and manga lovers out there, as it offers a lot of entertainment, and it's a great way to spend your time.