Jojo's Bizarre Adventure is a Japanese manga and anime series created by Hirohiko Araki. The story follows the Joestar family, a family whose various members discover they are destined to take down supernatural foes using unique abilities that they possess. The series is divided into eight parts, each following the story of one member of the Joestar family, who inevitably has a name that can be abbreviated to the titular "Jojo".
The first part, "Phantom Blood," introduces the Joestar family and the first Jojo, Jonathan Joestar. Set in Victorian England, Jonathan is a wealthy young man who is groomed to take over his father's estate. However, his life is turned upside down when his father adopts Dio Brando, a cruel and ambitious orphan who becomes jealous of Jonathan's position and sets out to destroy him. Dio discovers an ancient stone mask that grants him vampiric powers and uses them to try and defeat Jonathan.
The second part, "Battle Tendency," takes place in the 1930s and follows the adventures of Jonathan's grandson, Joseph Joestar. Joseph is a hotheaded, womanizing young man who becomes embroiled in a battle against ancient beings known as the Pillar Men, who possess their own unique abilities and seek to become the ultimate life forms. Along the way, Joseph is aided by a young woman named Caesar Zeppeli, who also possesses unique powers, and a Nazi officer named Rudol von Stroheim.
The third part, "Stardust Crusaders," takes place in the 1980s and follows Jotaro Kujo, the grandson of Joseph Joestar. Jotaro is a delinquent high school student who discovers he has a "Stand," a supernatural manifestation of his fighting spirit. Jotaro learns that his grandfather Joseph is in danger and sets out to save him, along with his friends and allies, including his mother Holly Kujo and a young Egyptian fortune teller named Muhammad Avdol. Together, they must battle a powerful enemy named Dio Brando, who has been resurrected and seeks to destroy the Joestar family.
The fourth part, "Diamond is Unbreakable," takes place in the town of Morioh, Japan and follows the story of Josuke Higashikata, the illegitimate son of Joseph Joestar. Josuke discovers that he also has a Stand and sets out to find and stop a serial killer who is using their own Stand to murder people. Along the way, Josuke is aided by his friends and allies, including his uncle Jotaro Kujo, a young man named Koichi Hirose, and a mysterious boy named Okuyasu Nijimura.
The fifth part, "Vento Aureo," takes place in Italy and follows the story of Giorno Giovanna, the illegitimate son of Dio Brando. Giorno wants to become a Gang Star in order to help the people of the city and defeat the Mafia group Passione. Along the way, he is aided by his friends and allies, including a young man named Bruno Bucciarati, and a girl named Trish Una.
The sixth part, "Stone Ocean", takes place in the United States and follows the story of Jolyne Cujoh, the daughter of Jotaro Kujo. Jolyne is falsely accused of a hit-and-run accident and sent to prison. While on the run, Jolyne discovers she has the power of a Stand and sets out to clear her name and uncover the true culprit. Along the way, she is aided by her friends and allies, including a young man named Jotaro Kujo, and a private investigator named Ermes Cost