its not my fault that im not popular]It's YOUR fault I'm not popular! | Watashi ga Motenai no wa OMAERA ga Warui! 13
its not my fault that im not popularNo.1 girl (Watashi ga Motenai no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera ga Warui!)[Chinese]【不可视汉化】 23
its not my fault that im not popularWatashi ga Motenai kara Tsugou no ii Onna ni Natta no wa Warukunai! 54
its not my fault that im not popularWatashi no Ashiura ga Seiteki na no wa Dou Kangaetemo Omaera no Tame! Kai 13
Original WorkUdo "Sachie mo Nankai mo Rape suru to Kimochi Yoku Narun da." | Udo "No matter How Many Times I Fuck You Sachie It Feels Amazing" 90