Original WorkHaha to Musuko no Undoubusoku Kaishouhou|Mother and Son's Way to Increase Their Physical Activity 36
Original WorkHaha to Moto Futokou Musuko no Onsen Ryoko | Mother and her Formerly Truant Son's Trip to the Hot Springs 51
Original WorkHaha to Musuko no Natsu no Denki Setsuyakujutsu | Mother and Son's Summer Electricity Saving Method 41
Original WorkBijin na Ofukuro o Oyaji kara Netoru Tame ni Dogeza shite Sex o Tanonde Mita | Begging my beautiful mother for sex to steal her from my father 21
Original WorkYasashii Kaasan ni Tsukekonde Nakadashi Reipu Takuran | Taking advantage of my gentle mother 53