Original WorkHenshin Heroine Team no Zunouha de Majime de Hinnyuu no Blue | The Smart, Diligent and Flat-Chested Blue from the Team of Morphing Heroines 67
Original WorkHenshin Heroine Team no Zunouha de Majime de Hinnyuu no Blue | The Smart, Diligent and Flat-Chested Blue from the Team of Morphing Heroines 67
Original WorkHenshin Heroine ga Aku ni Ochita Hi 2 | El día donde la heroina cayó a a la oscuridad 2 46
Original WorkSeisou Kouki Sacred Aqua -Injoku Yuugi no Rensa- | Holy Princess Sacred Aqua -A Chain of Perverted Games- 30
Original WorkSoujin Kenki Azur Blue ~Seigi no Henshin Heroine wa Futanari Shasei no Etsuraku ni Oboreyuku 354
yes precure 5Mou Hitotsu no Ketsumatsu ~Henshin Heroine Kairaku Sennou Yes!! Precure 5 Hen~ Daisanwa | Another Conclusion 3 34
Original WorkHenshin Heroine to Suki Houdai Yareru Hibi | Do-As-You-Please Days with Transforming Heroine 29